Tuesday, July 28, 2009


It has been a long while since my last post, but that is because I have been ever so busy with costume design and writing a book about fairy fashion. I now have a scrap of time to write. I will soon start my next journey to the sewing machine. My hope is to create a dress from the 1200s time and also sew a cape. I want to finish it before winter so that I can use the velvet cape on cold nights.

Isn't it lovely? I am saving up for the fabric because I want it to be nice and expensive. I will spend lots of thought thinking about the right color. I don't want white because that gets dirty quickly. I would love to know what color you think will look good with this dress.


Hannah Nicole said...

A blue would be nice. :)


Abigail Hastings said...

Yes, I was thinking of a bright, deep,yet sunny blue. Does that make sense?

Abigail Hastings said...

You know what I'm going to do, I'm going to post the colors I think I might use and then you can tell me which you like. Or if you don't see the color you like than you can still say what color would be besteven if I didn't post it.

Paul Mulder said...


kinda like the sky there? I dunno, but I think that looks nice.. again, as with the fairy fashion blog- I'm a guy, and not interested much in dresses & stuff, but I figured there was n reason not to check out your other blogs.. also, I've always thought capes & hoods were cool- watching starwars (Jedi/Sith) & a few times in medieval movies.. I've also liked knights a lot. to the point I've wanted to dress medieval-ish quite a few times.. of course I could never find plain enough clothes or capes or swords or anything like that.. of course being able to make knights with legos has made up for that quite a bit.... and I'm just rambling now, so..

Abigail Hastings said...

HaHa! Sounds cool Jase!

Paul Mulder said...

Ramble, I like to.
Yoda, talk like, also.
Okay, I gotta admit though, that dress does look pretty nice. The cape just adds a little Medievalish touch to it & looks cool. I must say, I'm not obbsesive about it, but I don't hate dresses contrary to how my previous comment may sound. Seriously this blog is kinda cool. The fairy stuff I just like because you made up the whole world, similar to my Athoria (I'll hafta post something about that on my blog)- but the fact that you can do this type of stuff is really neat. God gave you talents & I think you found one..

Abigail Hastings said...

Thanks thats real nice!

Anonymous said...

I was thinking forest green or Royal blue!!Good luck
P.S. My sister loves to sew and has a talent for it also.