Wednesday, February 25, 2009

A New Project

I'm back to my blog! I have a new sewwing project that I am almost finished with! It is a skirt of a pretty green fern pattern and is just the right length for a skirt. It is mid shin legth and has a very full skirt. I love it a lot, and can not wait to beable to wear it! I am happy with the fabric I chose, because I usally go with blue fabric and that is not even my favorite color. Since I am still a beginner at sewwing things to wear, like dresses and skirts, I chose an easier pattern from our pattern box. It only has two easy pattern pieses and a simple waistband. The skirt was not supposed to be gathered at the waistband but I cut the pattern wrong, so to make it fit right I had to gather it a little at the waistband.( Well, my mom really was the person who gathered it. I just watched and learned.)

Now for the reason I chose a skirt as my sewwing project instead of, let's say, a bag or pillow. Well, a pillow would just be to easy! Same with the bag. I've done those before, and I enjoy sewwing skirts and dresses much more. Dresses are a girlish sort of clothing( I like that because I am a girl) and the dresses and skirts I sew and wear are more modest, concervitive "old days" styles.

I would like to bring back to teenage girls minds the beauty of simple wardrobe. I don't really think that the tight, revealing clothes of some of todays girls wardrobes are very modest or make me see God's glory in there dress, manner or speach. We should be girls of Gods glory not our's. So, fellow girls, let's be God honoring in our dress.

1 comment:

Dutchess said...

I love the fabric! I found a skirt pattern I really like and can't wait to try another one!