Tuesday, July 28, 2009


It has been a long while since my last post, but that is because I have been ever so busy with costume design and writing a book about fairy fashion. I now have a scrap of time to write. I will soon start my next journey to the sewing machine. My hope is to create a dress from the 1200s time and also sew a cape. I want to finish it before winter so that I can use the velvet cape on cold nights.

Isn't it lovely? I am saving up for the fabric because I want it to be nice and expensive. I will spend lots of thought thinking about the right color. I don't want white because that gets dirty quickly. I would love to know what color you think will look good with this dress.

Thursday, July 2, 2009

Costume Designing

I have discovered a love for costume designing. I love to sew, AND I love to design my own styles and fashions, (e.g. fairy fashion :) so being a costume designer for a movie would be a dream for me. Next year when I go to the high school, I will take all their sewing classes and all their fashion classes, so I can learn everything I can about that wonderful career.
One of the things that helped me discover this was the behind the scenes of The Lord of the Rings DVD. I know it sounds silly at first. The behind the scenes had a section about the costume that were needed to bring it off the ground.

In the Lord of the Rings there were:
*19,000 costumes all sewn just for the movie
*40 seamstresses
*billions of hand linked links for chain mail
*tons of hand embroidered costumes
*and too many other amazing things to be able to mention them all

This is why I want to be a costume designer. If you don't understand why I am excited about 19,000 hand designed costumes, then I guess you weren't made to be a costume designer:)