Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Starting my project

I have started my new sewing project! I started it yesterday, and found out that the person who had it before I did had cut out the patturn pieces at size medium, and I need size large! Now I have to guess at where I need to cut it. But besides that little setback, I would say that everything is going fine.
So far I have the patturn pieces cut out and I am ready to start the sewing part.
Since the fabric I chose is very slippery, I have to wait with the sewing because I need to get a new sewing needle so that is does not snag the fabric.

Sunday, May 18, 2008

What I love... Sewing!

As I start this new blog about my love for sewing, and other works with needle and thread, I would love to tell you that I am trying my hardest to start a sewing busness and website. That is what inspired me to have a blog too. It would be so fun to be able to chat with you about eachothers sewing projects and give and receive advice. What I love to sew the most are skirts and dresses. I love the pioneer days, so lots of my dresses are from that time period and style.
My friend, Mia and I went to a garage sale together and I found a patturn for some Colonial dresses for only 25 cents. I am planning on sewing one of them but I am not sure which one. Once I get the fabric for it, I will be sure to post some pictures of the whole sewing progress.
I just recently finished a light blue skirt that is ankle length. I learned alot of lessons on that project, and had to start all the way over again as well. Before that project I made a little red corduroy jumper for my 3 year old cousin. It was a little big for her, but she will grow into it. I had never worked with corduroy before, so I did not know that the nap had to go the same direction. I found out about that after I finished the dress. Thankfully my mom undid it for me and I just watched her.
(the picture up at the top of the page is of me working on this dress.)
So I hope that in the upcoming year or so I will get to meet lots of fellow sewwers who do whst they do for God and God alone. I'll see you in the next post, untill then keep up the good sewing projects!